While American bands continue to sell packaged garbage, the folks across the pond are working to keep real dirty metal alive. London natives Pretty Addicted are no exception. Both in sound and appearance, they aren't afraid to get in your face. Recently we had a chat with their gnarly lead, Vicious!
LJ DeWitt: Who's the trouble maker of the band? What's the worst trouble they've ever gotten themselves or others into? Vicious Precious: We're all trouble makers in our own way. I'm [Vicious] the one who’s going to pour you another drink and keep you fucked up while going on a massive, passionate rant about how to say "fuck you" to the system and encourage you to be who you want to be, no matter who you offend. Dan's the pranskter of the band. He's as likely to dare you to get your ass waxed with masking tape as he is to get so drunk he falls flat on his face. And then the four of us have to carry him into the tent which is NOT an easy task! Sakura is the guy who gets naked while trying to turn your boyfriend gay, so I'd watch out if you have a hot boyfriend! LJ: What's the best prank your band has ever pulled or been victim to? Vicious: We're all pranksters, but Dan takes the cake. As I referred to in the previous question he dared Sweeney, (formally) from the band The Acid Ballet, to have his ass waxed, by Dan himself, with masking tape. The video of this online speaks for itself! LJ: If you had to give up one of your vices for a year, which would it be? Vicious: I wouldn't. LJ: What was the first album you ever owned? Vicious: If I say Spice Girls, will I be less cool?
LJ: What was one album, artist, or song that was the song that inducted you into the alternative scene? Vicious: Marilyn Manson was definitely the man who drew me in and got me to truly fall for the alternative scene, but I think my first started with Linkin Park Hybrid Theory. To this day, it's still a fantastic album. LJ: Do you guys have anything for the New Year you could hint us into? New tours? New music? Vicious: Tour is being announced very soon and YES! a new album is being made this year! We’ve already booked the first studio day for next month and it's going to be so much fun, I can't wait! Lots of emotions and experience from the last 2 years since It All Stems From Childhood to put in there! LJ: Finally, is there anything you'd like your fans to know? Vicious: Just that we love you and that we appreciate every single fucking one of you coming to our shows, buying our merch, sharing us with your friends, messaging us to say you love what we do and that it touches you every time you press play on a Pretty Addicted song. You allow our voice to be heard and I can't thank you all enough for that.
e. Tamara Grant